Dec 27 2021
The Technology You Need in 2022. Plus, the Technology to Leave Behind.

The Technology You Need in 2022. Plus, the Technology to Leave Behind.

As we go into a new year you cannot ignore that technology is continuing to evolve, and it is evolving fast! To stay relevant and keep up with the demands of our society and the needs of your customers it is important to assess your current technology and learn how your business can use technology to make it better.

Below is a list of technologies that in our opinion, businesses and organizations should seriously be considering if they want to optimize their operations. We also share a list of technologies that we think are better left in the past.

The Technology to consider introducing:

1) Cloud Solutions

This is a blanket term for all the possible things you can do with the Cloud (because there is a lot you can do). For most, introducing Cloud solutions to their business can provide many benefits. Some organizations move their entire server infrastructure to the Cloud instead of hosting it on-premises to eliminate having to replace their server infrastructure ever again. Whereas others keep their on-premises infrastructure but utilize cloud-based applications for productivity and cost reasons. The Cloud can simplify some areas of your business and it might make sense for you to explore your options going into 2022. Cloud solutions are not a one-size-fits all approach. To find out what is right for your business we encourage you to ask questions to assess your needs and work with a trustworthy partner that can provide you with the consultation you need.

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2) Automation

Introducing technology to automate tasks can help keep your business working efficiently and smarter not harder. In short, the more things you can automate, the more time that is saved which will increase productivity of your team, supporting your business’s revenue. By adopting automation in your business, it can empower you to focus on your overall strategy. So, your business can achieve your goals in the new year with productivity in mind!

3) Cybersecurity Solutions

Ransomware attacks continue to become more and more common – with attacks predicted to happen as much as every 2 seconds around the world. For good reason, organizations are investing heavily in the protection of their networks and company data. The companies that fail to do so and fall victim to these attacks are facing major consequences such as damaged reputation and revenue losses. It is crucial that businesses stay aware of cybersecurity threats and take a proactive approach in protecting their network. One bad cyber breach can impact your business and stunt the growth you had planned for 2022 and beyond. 

4) Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

As mentioned in our last point – being proactive against cyber threats to protect your network is critical in 2022. One proactive solution that can add an extra layer of protection is multi-factor authentication. You’ve probably seen MFA when you log into your bank account. It is a multi-step authentication process that asks you a security question or to provide a code to prove that it’s you. At a minimum, every device and account in your business should be protected with multi-factor authentication. Not only can this simple tool protect your network but it can also get you access to better cyber insurance. Some insurance companies are starting to use MFA as a qualification piece to be eligible for certain cyber insurance policies.

5) Collaboration Tools

Smart collaboration tools that are also secure can simplify things for teams who work together on various types of projects. Tools like Microsoft Teams, make it easy to share and work on documents saving the trouble of having to send emails back and forth. It also helps your business reduce waste by avoiding printing documents. Regardless, if team members are in the office or working remotely, it is important to have tools in place that promote collaboration and good productivity. These tools can positively impact your organization and the retention of employees. Keeping your team strong in 2022!

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The Technology to consider leaving behind:

1) Outdated software

Are you still using software programs like Windows 7 or programs that has been marked “End of Life” by the manufacturer? Outdated software poses a security risk to your organization. If your organization was ever compromised, this can impact your reputation and doesn’t typically sit well with existing or new customers. The best way to avoid this, is to upgrade your software to the latest version.

2) Old Hardware

As hardware ages, performance issues come up more often which interferes with the productivity of your employees. Deleting files and turning the device off and on again can only work for so long until the device crashes. Another reason to upgrade is some dated hardware does not have the requirements for software updates. This can leave your network vulnerable to attacks. To make sure your technology can keep up with your business’s workload and to keep your business cyber safe, consider upgrading to newer models.

3) Last but not least, Fax Machines!

If you can do without, consider saving paper and ditch the fax machine. An easy alternative to fax machines is email or utilizing cloud-based programs that can send sensitive information in a secure way.

Don’t wait to start making your business better

Whether your accounting firm needs advanced cybersecurity solutions, or you are a manufacturing business looking to increase automation, 2022 will bring forth new technology trends that can provide you with a solution to optimize your operations. With the technology always evolving, introducing it into your business does not need to be a difficult or painful. It can be a seamless process when you have a technical partner that knows your business. At Yardstick, we get know you and your business’s needs. We can make strategic technology recommendations and support you through every new technology change.

Book your free discovery call to learn more about our services and how we can support your growth in 2022.

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