
We love to
celebrate success

As an IT company, we understand stress and urgency at a different level than most businesses. To counterbalance this necessary stress, we invest a lot in our social time.

“Celebrate success” is our favorite value, and we can honestly say that it works: our team is stronger with each passing event. Our quarterly competitions—curling, paintball and pool, as well as our Christmas Party at the Jasper Park Lodge, are the main focus of our Social Committee. Yet, in between these events, we enjoy barbecues; pancake breakfasts, major holiday feasts, movie nights and bar nights either on- or off-site. In fact, our team can never live a dull moment: whether it’s an Xbox NHL competition (the Oilers always win), or a weight loss challenge, or just plain Pretzel Day. Our goal is to maintain the momentum, to maintain an enthusiastic atmosphere, to understand each other better and to better serve our customers. We also provide lunch every Monday, because Mondays...


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